Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This song is from an era when electronic music was rocket science. In this obscure rare album (thanks to now defunct "My Jazz World" blog, R.I.P) Robert Mason used two Arp 2500's combined to produce polyphonic sounds. If you are wondering what's like producing sound with those archaic analogue sequencers you may give a shot at the video linked below. This is our hommage to the unknown prince of electronic music, Robert Mason.

Stardrive - Funkascensions (1974)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Around here and there

Piirpauke is a finnish band that amalgamates ethnic elements and progressive rock gracefully.

Visual from Mika Kaurismaki's Zombie ja Kummitusjuna; great movie shot in Finland and Turkey.

Monday, February 1, 2010